Profit for Purpose

Let's use our businesses to create life-changing impact together

Learn how

We see a world where Profit & Purpose prosper together

At Pro Purpose, we help businesses connect their purpose to charitable impact,
with a custom-built giving strategy that seamlessly embeds generosity into their brands.

We could write more words to tell you how. But it's far more powerful if we show you why...



So how does it work?

As a nonprofit organisation with ten years experience helping businesses uncover their purpose and connect their profit to tangible impact,

we make giving with purpose simple for business. 

Show me how

Partnering with Pro Purpose means a partnership where everyone benefits.

What do we mean? Keep the good times scrolling...

Uncover your business purpose

  Uncover the hidden purpose within your business

  Unlock a greater sense of meaning and fulfilment for you and your team

How it works


Create real change

 Align with charitable projects creating tangible transformation in disadvantaged communities

 Track the impact of your giving and share the story with your community

 Our impact projects are creating positive social, economic, and environmental impact – transforming lives both now and for future generations to come

Our projects

Water Wells

Boost your business

 Experience the multi-dimensional benefits a giving strategy in your business bring

 Perks like brand preference, superior talent retention, increased team performance, enhanced company culture and tax benefits are just the beginning!

Partnership perks

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Connect with like minded businesses

 Connect with a community of generous businesses

 Create lasting change as a movement of purpose driven brands

 Be part of the collective impact that’s transforming lives

Collective impact

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Who we are

Pro Purpose was founded by Alana Nicholls and her husband Joshua after they witnessed first-hand the impact a simple, yet intentional giving strategy in their business had on the lives of those most in need.

After sustainably scaling their impact from sponsoring 0 to 200 children per month and directing $1 million towards charitable projects, the Nicholls saw the potential for impact to be even greater if they helped other businesses do the same.

Learn more


 “There are over 2.5 million businesses in Australia alone. Around 400 million globally.
If every business shared a little of their Profit for Purpose, just imagine the impact a community of generous businesses could have together!” 

- Alana Nicholls, Founder and CEO

Our impact and counting

Together as a movement of Profit for Purpose businesses, our collective impact is growing and tangibly transforming lives.

Asset 12



Donated towards impact projects

Asset 1 (1)

Children sponsored

Asset 8



Water wells

Impact Project Icons_Water People



People provided clean water

Asset 7



Maternity appointments for safe births in Uganda

Asset 4 (1)



Start up loans for families in Indonesia

Asset 11



Days for First Nations Women domestic violence healing workshops

Asset 10



Days for First Nations Youth cultural leadership programs

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Days of education for children in Uganda

Asset 2 (1)



Nights of safe housing for Australian families experiencing homelessness



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Pro Purpose impact stories on Channel 9's Helping Hands TV series


Season 2 Episode 3
featuring Pro Purpose Partners Wild Indiana, Speak About Speech Pathology and Joyful Finance
Season 2 Episode 9
featuring Pro Purpose Partners Novale Bathrooms and Limcora
Season 2 Episode 15
featuring Salon Purpose and Fantastic Aussie Tours

 Meet our Pro Purpose partners 

 Our community of generous businesses are truly inspiring 


Pro Purpose Case Study Partner, Nicki with Salon Purpose

Salon Purpose

From startup to salon of the year - how intentional generosity supercharged growth and success.

“When you show your staff and clients what generosity looks like - it comes back tenfold!”

- Nicki Ranatawake, CEO

See more

Leadership Counts (1)

Leadership Counts

Trackable and tangible impact making workshops more meaningful.

We can feel our impact. In the past we didn’t know how to measure that tangibly. Now that we know we’ve provided 109 nights of safe housing in just three months, it makes us feel amazing!

- Roger & Lynne Vertannes, Directors

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Pro Purpose Case Study Partner, Evan with Limcora Plumbing

Limcora Plumbing

Taking family culture to the next level through a partnership with purpose.

“Partnering with Pro Purpose is a no brainer! Every staff member is on board. They feel like they’re part of something greater than themselves and making an impact”

- Evan Graham, Managing Director

See more

Pro Purpose Case Study Partner, Tony with JetBlack

JetBlack Products

How the restoration of water wells brought restoration to the life of JetBlack’s founder.

“We provide the means for the restoration of wells, that then restores water to those communities which resonates with me - a lot of the struggles that I went through, I’m now in a place of restoration.”

- Tony Simmonds, CEO

See more

View all Pro Purpose partners

Our charity partners


Learn more

world vision Love-Mercy-Logo-colour Oppurtunity International Australia mission australia strong women talking School for life Logo-01
world vision Love-Mercy-Logo-colour Oppurtunity International Australia
mission australia strong women talking School for life Logo-01

The Purpose Journal

Serving you the latest inspiring partner stories, impact updates, and insights from our journey.

2 min read

Generosity as Strategy: Rethinking Business for a Purpose-Driven World

In the world of business, where the pursuit of profit often takes the spotlight, the idea of implementing a generosity...
3 min read

The Power of Purpose: 11 Compelling Benefits of Being a Purpose-Driven Business

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, being a purpose-driven company is not just a trend—it's a strategic...
3 min read

Ethical impact: Does the money really get there?

It’s the question I hear most about charitable intentions… ‘but does the money really get to where it needs to go?’ The...

Ready to partner with purpose?

Take the first step towards connecting your business to charitable impact.

Let's get started