- Pro Purpose Partner -
Blueys Event Hire
Tourism, Katoomba NSW
At Blueys we want to bring joy to people and be generous with our resources. This is why it is really important to us that we use our business to have a wider impact to those in need.
We have chosen to support the repair of water wells as we see this as a tangible way that we can have an impact on the lives of people in Uganda. Clean water is something that we can take for granted in Australia, so to help those in Uganda to have access to water means a lot to us."
Managing Director
Our Purpose Pledge helps provide clean water in Uganda

Our impact and counting
Water Wells Repaired
People Provided Clean Water in Uganda
We love being able to make a difference
Blueys Event Hire is in proud partnership with Pro Purpose as a Profit for Purpose business.
We help provide clean water by repairing broken water wells. This provides clean water for drinking, hygiene and pathways out of poverty for communities in Uganda.