- Pro Purpose Partner -

Platinum Electricians

Building & Trades, Sydney NSW

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I believe that if you have the skills to create a profitable business it’s not just for yourself. We have a responsibility to help those less fortunate. Giving generously is an act of helping and loving those that are in need.

At Platinum we believe in creating opportunity for our team to flourish and excel in life. All the projects we’ve chosen to support ensure essential needs are met within disadvantaged communities and then they are empowered with the opportunity to create lasting generational change."


Our Purpose Pledge helps support disadvantaged communities in Australia and around the world

Our impact and counting




Children Sponsored

Asset 11



Days of First Nations Women's Domestic Violence Healing Workshops

Asset 4 (1)



Start Up Loans for Families in Indonesia to Open their own Business

Asset 2 (1)



Nights of Safe Housing for Australian Families Experiencing Homelessness

Asset 8



Water Well Repairs in Uganda

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People Provided Clean Water in Uganda

Asset 10



Days for First Nations Youth Cultural Leadership Development

Asset 7



Maternity Care Appointments in Uganda

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Days of Education in Uganda

We love being able to make a difference


Platinum Electricians is in proud partnership with Pro Purpose as a Profit for Purpose business.

This means we are a business passionate about using our Profit for Purpose to empower and transform disadvantaged communities around the world.


Visit the Platinum Electricians website


Interested in sponsoring a child?

You are welcome to join us in sponsoring a child within our community. In partnership with Pro Purpose and World Vision, click the button below to choose your child. 

We are Pro Purpose

Together we are transforming lives.

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