– Pro Purpose Project –
Child Sponsorship
Supporting entire communities with education, health care, clean water and farming
Transforming entire communities
This projects supports child sponsorship, not only benefitting the individual child but the community where they live. Because of community focused solutions, child sponsorship is a proven method to help break the poverty cycle.
The need
Poverty is responsible for the deaths of six million children before their fifth birthday. Child Sponsorship focuses on the things that prevent children from surviving and thriving - and then works with the community to bring all the pieces of the puzzle together.
Child Sponsorship not only benefits the individual child but the community where they live. For every 1 child sponsored, another 4 benefit. Because of community focused solutions, it’s a proven method to help break the poverty cycle by helping meet basic needs for things like clean water, healthcare, education, improved farming and income opportunities.

The facts
In Uganda the child poverty rate is estimated to be 34.6%, significantly higher than the national poverty rate
Access to healthcare is limited for children living in poverty
In 2019 it was estimated that 22.5% of children aged 5-17 were engaged in child labour
Poverty drives child marriage with 10% of girls in Uganda married before the age of 15, and 40% married before the age of 18
The objective
The success and simplicity of the ‘One Child’ Sponsorship commitment, is that your business’ impact increases relative to your business growth. For instance, if you are a business that has multiple retail stores and becomes a ‘One Store One Child’ partner, you would sponsor as many children as you have stores. As your business continues to grow, each time you open a new store you would sponsor an additional child. It’s an exciting and achievable way to have mass impact over time.
Your Pledge: Transforming entire communities
The objective of our Child Sponsorship project is to sponsor as many children as possible within multiple communities and countries. With our sponsorship project dedicated to specific communities, our impact is amplified and allows for field trips to visit multiple sponsor children at once.

How some of our Pro Purpose Partners are pledging their support
Project Partner
To support child sponsorship that transforms entire communities, we choose to partner with World Vision Australia. World Vision is committed to go where the need is greatest to help the most vulnerable children around the world. They’re dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice. Bringing hope and opportunity to vulnerable children and communities, World Vision helps create sustainable change that can last for generations.
To find out more about World Vision and the incredible work they do, click here.
Our impact and counting
Together as a Pro Purpose community we’ve helped provide
Children sponsored