- Salon Purpose -

How intentional generosity supercharged growth and success

 A look inside a Pro Purpose Partnership 

Salon Purpose - team


Meet Salon Purpose:

Salon Purpose is a fast growing, multi-award winning hair salon in Sydney, NSW. In just three years, Salon Purpose has experienced phenomenal growth and success - growing from a single chair home-based salon, to a thriving 8 chair, 20 staff salon in the heart of Manly on Sydney's stunning Northern Beaches.

At the core of this transformation lies Salon Purpose's commitment to intentional generosity, a commitment powered by their partnership with Pro Purpose. In this case study, we delve into Nicki's insights and experiences to understand how this partnership has supercharged Salon Purpose's growth and success.


A Heart to Give but Unsure How

Nicki recalls the early days of Salon Purpose when the desire to give back was alive, but the path forward was uncertain. "When I started my business from my home, we were really small. We loved the idea of giving back, but I didn't know what that looked like or how to do that," Nicki reflects. This is a common challenge for many startups with a desire to make a positive impact. They want to give, but the question is, how?

Nicki's partnership with Pro Purpose provided a clear solution. "It made it easy to give back in a long-term solution, not a short-term way," she notes. Pro Purpose's expertise and guidance took the guesswork out of the equation, allowing Nicki to focus on her salon's growth and purpose-led mission.


Meaningful Impact That Aligns with Purpose

Even before partnering with Pro Purpose, Salon Purpose had instilled a commitment to generosity. "I started my business with purpose from the get-go, and I knew we would always be a business that is generous," Nicki shares. The salon's generosity has evolved over time, adapting to the needs they saw in the world. Whether giving locally or internationally, Salon Purpose remains responsive and adaptable, ready to address pressing issues.

Crucially, the decision-making process isn't solely driven by Nicki, the salon's owner. Nicki actively involves her team in selecting initiatives, empowering them to invest in the salon's purpose. "When your team are a part of choosing, they're investing. It gives them the option to make decisions and buy into something bigger than themselves," Nicki explains.


Becoming a Pro-Purpose Business

For Salon Purpose, being a pro-purpose business means aligning with Pro Purpose to bring their mission to life. Nicki emphasises that this alignment empowers them to engage both staff and clients, reinforcing their core values and purpose. "It's equipping me to do what I'm on this planet to do! It's taught me so much," Nicki says, highlighting the educational aspect of the partnership. The impact is profound; when the staff witnesses the power of generosity, it returns tenfold in their dedication and commitment.

Nicki further elaborates on the impact of their partnership with Pro Purpose. "We give a lot through Pro Purpose. 'One Chair One Child' has been into it from the beginning. When recruiting staff, it's our wow factor," Nicki shares. Their association with Pro Purpose sets Salon Purpose apart in the industry and makes them a more attractive workplace.


Guiding Business Strategy with Intentional Generosity

The partnership with Pro Purpose has become an integral part of Salon Purpose's business strategy. Nicki notes that it differentiates them from competitors and offers a holistic approach to giving. "With Pro Purpose, it's a one-stop shop. The team at Pro Purpose shows you what giving could look like, and their creativity is amazing," Nicki emphasises. Their affiliation with Pro Purpose has made Salon Purpose the talk of the town in their area, demonstrating that doing things differently can be a powerful business strategy.


Impact on Staff and Clients

The impact of being a pro purpose business isn't limited to the internal workings of Salon Purpose. Nicki believes it's essential to change the industry by raising the bar on generosity. She points out that when the financial aspect is well-managed, giving becomes the wow factor for both staff and clients.

Salon Purpose's open approach to discussing their financial contributions fosters a culture of transparency. "It's really cool as a salon and a business; we can talk openly about the finances we give," Nicki proudly shares. This transparency builds trust and reaffirms the salon's commitment to a purpose beyond profit.

Nicki also believes that their partnership with Pro Purpose has enabled them to attract better talent. "We are equipped with people around us like Pro Purpose who are helping me change the game," she asserts. Without Pro Purpose, Nicki believes they wouldn't have achieved the impact and growth they have.


Impact on Clients and Community

Salon Purpose's commitment to purpose-driven giving has built strong rapport with clients. Nicki notes that their salon thrives on relationships, and the clients appreciate their commitment to giving back. The "One Chair One Child" initiative, in which each chair sponsors a child, has particularly resonated with clients. "Everyone is shocked. They repeat, '$25! You sponsor a child for every chair.' The shock factor is the coolest thing," Nicki shares. This awareness and engagement lead to increased referrals, contributing to their growth.


Sharing Their Purpose Commitment

To share their purpose commitment, Salon Purpose leverages various channels, including social media, email campaigns, in-store marketing, and annual campaigns. They also hold frequent team meetings where new ideas are encouraged and discussed openly.

Nicki's vision for the future of Salon Purpose includes opening more salons, sponsoring more children, and continuing annual campaigns. "I'd love to give $100,000 in one year. Once upon a time, I wanted to give $5,000, and we've just done $10,000. I know I can do it with Pro Purpose because they make anything possible," Nicki concludes.

A world where profit and purpose prosper together

Through their generous unit pledge, Salon Purpose supports child sponsorship in Zambia and Uganda. Their annual 'With Love' fixed pledge supports multiple projects that resonate with their female team and clientele.

Asset 1 (1)

Children sponsored

Asset 2 (1)



Nights of safe housing for Australian families experiencing homelessness

Asset 7



Maternity care appointments in Uganda

Asset 11



Days for First Nations Women Domestic Violence programs

Asset 4 (1)



Start up loans for families in Indonesia

Asset 8



Water well repairs in Uganda

Nutrition Education



Days of Education in Uganda


Salon Purpose as featured on
Channel 9's Helping Hands

Pro Purpose Partners are regularly featured on Channel 9's Helping Hands TV series. Watch Salon Purpose's story now!


In her words: Founder & Director Nicki summarises her partnership with Pro Purpose

“Aligning with Pro Purpose helps us bring our purpose to life. It's equipping me to do what I'm on this planet to do! I've experienced the power of what happens when you show your staff and clients what generosity looks like - it comes back tenfold!

I love being alongside other business owners and being inspired by our collective impact and the creative ways to give. There is no fear attached to giving, because it’s all budgeted for. Our impact is forecasted as opposed to ad hoc at the end of the financial year. Intentional generosity is embedded into everything we do.”

- Nicki Ranatawake



Salon Purpose's journey from a small home-based startup to a thriving salon of the year is a testament to the transformative power of intentional generosity. Their partnership with Pro Purpose has not only shaped their mission but also fueled their remarkable success. Nicki's story demonstrates that purpose-driven businesses like Salon Purpose can achieve significant growth while making a meaningful impact on their community and beyond.

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