- Pro Purpose Partner -
Wild Indiana
Baby Products, Sydney NSW
As a business I truly believe we are called to do something greater with our finances. Our business mission is to create products that make a mum's life easier, and to create a community of mums who are passionate about finding joy in motherhood. By giving and supporting another group of women in Uganda, it provides our customers a sense of purpose and joy in helping others!
Our customers are primarily Mums who are in the trenches of motherhood. Our desire is that we can gather a community of mums, who can look beyond the daily struggles of Motherhood and support less fortunate women in Northern Uganda who do not have the same access to maternity care as us.
I believe as our community grows, we can have a bigger impact In northern Uganda!"
Wild Indiana as featured on
Channel 9's Helping Hands
Pro Purpose Partners are regularly featured on Channel 9's Helping Hands TV series. Watch Wild Indiana's story now!
Our Purpose Pledge helps provide maternity care in Uganda

Our impact and counting

Maternity Care Appointments in Uganda
We love being able to make a difference
Wild Indiana is in proud partnership with Pro Purpose as a Profit for Purpose business.
We are helping to ensure that all women in the Otuke District region of Uganda have access to the best maternity care to bring their newborns safely into this world.
Sometimes a skilled pair of hands to help mothers and newborns around the time of birth, can make the difference between life and death. In Uganda, 16 women die per day because of complications related to pregnancy and childbirth.